Latest Application Software

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About Software Development Times® is the leading news source for the software development industry. SD Times reaches more than 65,000 subscribers in 131 countries, and was recognized by Media. CNET Download provides free downloads for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices across all categories of software and apps, including security, utilities, games, video and browsers. While system software comprises device drivers, OS, servers and software components, programming software helps in writing programs through tools such as editors, linkers, debuggers, compilers/interpreters and ore. Application software, in contrast to these two, is used for attaining specific tasks. Application software uses the capacity of a computer directly for specific tasks and are. Jul 14, 2020.

Application software is a subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly and thoroughly to a task that the user wishes to perform.

This should be contrasted with system software which is involved in integrating a computer's various capabilities, but typically does not directly apply them in the performance of tasks that benefit the user.

In this context the term application refers to both the application software and its implementation.

A simple, if imperfect analogy in the world of hardware would be the relationship of an electric light bulb (an application) to an electric power generation plant (a system).

The power plant merely generates electricity, not itself of any real use until harnessed to an application like the electric light that performs a service that benefits the user.

Application software examples

Typical examples of software applications are word processors, spreadsheets, and media players.

Multiple applications bundled together as a package are sometimes referred to as an application suite.

Some might bundle together a word processor, a spreadsheet, and several other discrete applications.

The separate applications in a suite usually have a user interface that has some commonality making it easier for the user to learn and use each application.

And often they may have some capability to interact with each other in ways beneficial to the user.

For example, a spreadsheet might be able to be embedded in a word processor document even though it had been created in the separate spreadsheet application.

User-written software tailors systems to meet the user's specific needs.

User-written software include spreadsheet templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, graphics and animation scripts.

Even email filters are a kind of user software.

Users create this software themselves and often overlook how important it is.

In some types of embedded systems, the application software and the operating system software may be indistinguishable to the user, as in the case of software used to control a VCR, DVD player or Microwave Oven.

Note: The above text is excerpted from the Wikipedia article 'Application software', which has been released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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New Open-Source Software Judges Accuracy of Computer Predictions of Cancer Genetics

Jan. 10, 2020 — Researchers have created new open-source software which determines the accuracy of computer predictions of genetic variation within tumor ...

Password Managers Vulnerable to Insider Hacking

Aug. 15, 2018 — A new study shows that communication channels between different parts and pieces of computer software are prone to security breaches. Anyone with access to a shared computer -- co-workers, family ...

Turning Deep-Learning AI Loose on Software Development

Apr. 25, 2018 — Computer scientists have created a deep-learning, software-coding application that can help human programmers by writing chunks of code in response to ...

Apps Could Take Up Less Space on Your Phone, Thanks to New 'Streaming' Software

Feb. 6, 2020 — New software 'streams' data and code resources to an app from a cloud server when necessary, allowing the app to use only the space it needs on a phone at any given ...

Artificial Intelligence Used to Recognize Primate Faces in the Wild

Sep. 4, 2019 — Scientists have developed new artificial intelligence software to recognize and track the faces of individual chimpanzees in the wild. The new software will allow researchers and wildlife ...

New Software Tool Could Provide Answers to Some of Life's Most Intriguing Questions

Apr. 17, 2019 — A researcher has spearheaded the development of a software tool that can provide conclusive answers to some of the world's most fascinating ...

Mobile Health Applications Put the Personal Data of Millions of Users at Risk

Feb. 20, 2018 — 80% of the most popular health applications available on Android do not comply with standards intended to prevent the misuse and dissemination of their users' ...

Scalable Clusters Make HPC R&D Easy as Raspberry Pi

Nov. 13, 2017 — A quest to help the systems software community work on very large supercomputers without having to actually test on them has spawned an affordable, scalable system using thousands of inexpensive ...

How Can You Reliably Spot a Fake Smile? Ask a Computer

July 29, 2019 — Real and fake smiles can be tricky to tell apart, but researchers have now developed computer software that can spot false facial ...

Hey Alexa: Amazon's Virtual Assistant Becomes a Personal Assistant to Software Developers

May 24, 2018 — Computer scientists have turned Amazon Alexa into a tool for software engineers, tasking the virtual assistant to take care of mundane programming tasks, helping increase productivity and speed up ...
Latest Application Software
    • Computer software
    • User interface design
    • Spyware
    • Graphical user interface
    • Malware
    • Computer-generated imagery
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Teleportation: Important Step in Improving Quantum Computing

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Engineers Put Tens of Thousands of Artificial Brain Synapses on a Single Chip

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Artificial Intelligence Yields New Antibiotic

Feb. 20, 2020 — Using a machine-learning algorithm, researchers have identified a powerful new antibiotic compound. In laboratory tests, the drug killed many of the world's most problematic disease-causing bacteria, ...
updated 12:56 pm ET

Study Confirms Widespread Literacy in Biblical-Period Kingdom of Judah

Sep. 10, 2020 — Researchers have analyzed 18 ancient texts dating back to around 600 BCE from the Tel Arad military post using state-of-the-art image processing, machine learning technologies, and the expertise of a ...

Virtual Tourism Could Offer New Opportunities for Travel Industry, Travelers

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New Genetic Analysis Method Could Advance Personal Genomics

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Positive Results for ReWalk ReStore Exosuit in Stroke Rehabilitation

Sep. 10, 2020 — Scientists at five sites tested the soft robotic wearable exosuit for safety, reliability and feasibility in gait rehabilitation for individuals with mobility impairment ...

Experiments Reveal Why Human-Like Robots Elicit Uncanny Feelings

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New Machine Learning-Assisted Method Rapidly Classifies Quantum Sources

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Women in Tech: 20 Trailblazers Share Their Journeys
Successful women in the tech trenches share their insights and tackle subjects ranging from how to search out a strong mentor to how to be one -- from how to advance in a large company to how to start your own firm. Get the Kindle or Paperback.

CRM is Failing: It's Time to Transition to CXM
September 1, 2020
Centralizing all tools and customer-effecting services into one system delivers great efficiencies for businesses. However, enabling customers to have the same experience in real time is the difference between a CRM and CXM. CRM Buyer pursued the potential transition process -- and the impact of both CRM and CXM products -- in a conversation with Thryv VP Ryan Cantor.
Salesforce Ups Its Marketing Game
July 21, 2020
Recent research shows that employees are well aligned with the directions and goals of their companies, and that they are competently led and respect their bosses; but the technologies they use leave a lot to be desired. This includes CRM, and too often the functionality that their currently installed CRM doesn't offer. Consequently, the changes Salesforce just introduced in its Marketing Cloud could not have been more timely.
Why Microsoft Teams Will Be the De Facto Standard for Video Collaboration
July 20, 2020
I've been covering video conferencing since before we called it video conferencing. It has been an exciting and somewhat painful technology to watch because it seemed like everyone in the segment fundamentally didn't understand that if you don't have interoperability and didn't focus on ease of use, it wouldn't work. Let's talk this week about why Microsoft Teams is trending to be the new standard for video collaboration.
New Flaws in Intel's CPU Software Guard Extensions Revealed
June 11, 2020
Two separate teams of academic researchers have published papers describing flaws in Intel's Software Guard Extensions. SGX enhances application security by letting developers partition sensitive information into enclaves with hardware-assisted enhanced security protection. The aim is to protect application code and data from disclosure or modification.
Apple to Design Its Own ARM-Based Mac Chips
June 10, 2020
Apple plans to announce a new processor for its Mac computer line at its virtual World Wide Developers Conference later this month, according to a report. The company will begin using an ARM chip based on Apple's A14 processor, which will be featured in the next iPhone. The computers will continue to use macOS and not Apple's mobile operating system, iOS. and the CRMification of Society
May 20, 2020
CRMification is the process by which the culture absorbs CRM technology, processes and techniques to achieve some kind of new utility for getting things done better, faster and cheaper. Today we should add safer too. Another way to state it is that CRM is a disruptive innovation in the culture. The next normal will have something to do with CRM.
Study Reveals E-Commerce Shopping Patterns That Hint at New Normal
April 28, 2020
Consumers and companies worldwide have ramped up online ordering for software products and digital goods as they struggle to improve productivity and security while working remotely and spending more time at home. The sharp spike in online commerce aligns with the timing of the current global pandemic. Software-based offerings accounted for the highest levels of growth.
6 Signs You May Be Ready for a CRM Switch
March 14, 2020
In today's evolving business environment, every operational decision is critical -- and that includes best practices for managing the customer journey. The CRM platform is an integral part of the process. In fact, 91 percent of companies with more than 11 employees use a CRM system. Because of the time it saves and the structure CRM delivers, it can seem daunting for businesses to make a switch.

Latest Application Software Downloads

Shifting Our Global Problem-Solving Focus From Symptoms to Cause
March 2, 2020
IBM's latest effort to solve global problems has evolved from a focus on catastrophic events, which increasingly are caused by climate change, to climate change itself. It is a huge jump to go from dealing with the symptoms of a problem, which generally is relatively easy, to dealing with the causes, particularly global scale. However, it is critical for a sustained impact.
Linux-Powered Azure IoT Security Platform Arrives
February 25, 2020
After several years of building and testing previews, Microsoft has announced the general availability of its Azure Sphere secure IoT service. Microsoft first introduced Azure Sphere in 2018, opting to use its own version of a Linux operating system instead of Windows 10 to drive its new Azure Sphere OS to securely connect Internet of Things devices.
The Two Faces of Open Source: ECT News Roundtable, Episode 5
February 6, 2020
The open source software movement has evolved dramatically over the past two decades. Many businesses that once considered open source a threat now recognize its value. In spite of increased enthusiasm among enterprises, consumer interest by and large has not materialized. With large companies increasingly embracing open source, what does it mean to be a part of the FOSS 'community'?
The New App Dev CRM Model
February 5, 2020
CRM is an industry that's been full of turning points, and I think it is at another. There have been many smaller turns, like the additions of analytics, social media and process flows. However, to get a sense of this point in time, I think you have to go all the way back to the turn of the century and the rise of cloud computing. The cloud was important as an economic marker in some unique ways.
From Personal to Planetary: ECT News Roundtable, Episode 4
January 30, 2020
We asked ECT News Network's roundtable of industry insiders to reflect on their own personal tech preferences, to speculate on what popular gadgets may vanish from use in the next decade, to consider the role of wearable health tools -- and then to expand the discussion to the health of the planet, tech advances in traveling on it, and the prospect of leaving it altogether.
Canonical Introduces Scalable Android-Based Cloud Platform
January 21, 2020
Canonical is deploying a scalable Android-based operating system for mobile and desktop enterprise applications from the cloud. The company just announced its Anbox Cloud containerized workload platform. Anbox Cloud allows apps to be streamed to any operating system or form factor. Its uses include cloud gaming, enterprise workplace applications, software testing and mobile device virtualization.
What's in Your Containers? Try an Open Source Tool to Find Out
January 14, 2020
As most security pros know, application containers -- Docker, rkt, etc. -- and the orchestration elements employed to support them, such as Kubernetes, are used increasingly in many organizations. Often the security organization isn't exactly the first stop on the path to deployment of these tools. If it was in your shop, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
Arduino Aims to Secure IoT With New Dev Platform, Hardware
January 10, 2020
Arduino announced a new low-code Internet of Things application development platform at CES 2020 in Las Vegas. It also introduced the low-power Arduino Portenta H7 module, a new family of Portenta chips for a variety of hardware applications. Arduino has achieved prominence as a go-to developer of an innovation platform for connecting IoT products.
In 2020, Enterprises Will Unlock Hidden Value in Their Own Workforces
January 3, 2020
If 2019 was the year we identified the most acute challenges facing various industries -- in the form of macroeconomic trends as well as industry-specific factors -- 2020 will be the year we confront those issues. For most companies, this looks like addressing a skills gap that grows at the same rate technology progresses. This is to say, in the tech industry, it's a gap that grows quickly.
China's Tech Ban Could Have Grave Long-Term Consequences
December 13, 2019
China has issued an order that all foreign-made computer equipment and software be removed from government offices and public institutions within the next three years. China has estimated that upwards of 30 million pieces of hardware will need to be replaced. This is just the latest salvo in the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, the world's two largest national economies.
Amazon Ratchets Up Competition in 5G, Hybrid IT
December 5, 2019
Among the highlights of Amazon Web Services re:Invent are three announcements that strengthen its presence in the enterprise hybrid IT infrastructure market: AWS is teaming with Verizon to deliver 5G edge cloud computing; the first AWS Local Zone is located in Los Angeles; and AWS Outposts are generally available. These moves 'close some huge competitive gaps,' observed tech analyst Rob Enderle.
HPC and AI Are Changing the World
November 30, 2019
During the recent SC19 supercomputing conference, the top semiconductor and systems vendors discussed and demoed the highest-performance computing solutions in the world. While it's easy to imagine these platforms solving some of the most challenging problems, and simulating everything from the human genome to climate change, there are thousands of other applications that can benefit as well.
Consider Service Mesh as a Security Tool
November 26, 2019
If you're like most security pros, chances are you're starting to get frustrated with microservices a little -- or maybe a lot. Microservice architectures -- that is, architectures that leverage REST to build a number of small, distributed, modular components -- are powerful from a software architect's point of view. Want to make a change to a component quickly? Add new functionality?
Smart Speaker Apps Caught Snooping Around Homes
October 22, 2019
Flaws in Amazon and Google smart speakers can expose users to eavesdropping and voice phishing. Researchers at Security Research Labs discovered that developers could create malicious apps for the Amazon and Google platforms to turn the smart speakers into smart spies. Using the standard development interfaces for the platforms, the researchers found a way to request and collect personal data.
Zoho's Catalyst to Growth
October 21, 2019
Now would be a good time to put Zoho on your radar if for some reason it isn't there already. The Austin-based company just announced Catalyst, a developer environment that helps programmers and others to speed development of apps and microservices with capabilities inherited from Zoho's apps portfolio. Catalyst is based on the company's internal development tools.
Adopt a Maintenance Mindset: Protect IT
October 18, 2019
As part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, the National Cyber Security Alliance is advising all computer users to 'Protect IT' by taking precautions such as updating to the latest security software, Web browser and OS. The nonprofit public-private partnership, which works with DHS and private sector sponsors, advised computer users on ways to protect their personal data.

Latest Software For Android

Apple Touts Games, Music, TV in macOS Catalina
October 9, 2019
New versions of operating systems are usually about slick interfaces and improved performance, but that's not what Apple was flogging about macOS Catalina upon its release. One of the hot new additions in the OS is Apple Arcade, a game subscription service featuring a batch of new, exclusive games. Also bolstering macOS Catalina's entertainment chops are new music, podcast and TV apps.
DevOps, Platform Strategy and Transformation
October 1, 2019
The software development lifecycle reminds me of the proverb of the three blind people confronting an elephant. One grabs the trunk and says it's a snake, another touches a tusk and says it's a spear, while the third feels its side and calls it a wall. The moral of the proverb is that perception has a lot to do with perspective. For a long time, the perspective on software was that it was a cost.

Latest Application Software 2020

The Beauty of Progressive Web Apps
September 3, 2019
As more Web traffic comes from mobile devices -- particularly traffic to e-commerce sites -- it's becoming ever more important for businesses to have content that loads onto small screens easily, quickly and effortlessly. To some degree, native mobile apps until now have filled that need, but they must be downloaded, and their functionality may have significant limitations.
Putting CX at the Center of Testing Strategies
August 27, 2019
From e-commerce to banking applications to healthcare systems -- and everything in between -- if it's digital, users expect it to work at every interaction, and on every possible platform and operating system. However, despite the need to provide a digital experience that delights, Gartner research suggests that only 18 percent of companies are delivering their desired customer experience.
Powerful Enterprise-Class Chromebooks May Make Windows Exit Possible
August 27, 2019
A new collaboration between Dell Technologies and Google has produced the world's first enterprise-class Chromebook. The companies have announced their partnership to bring new capabilities and services to Dell's Unified Workspace strategy. Google launched its Chrome Enterprise capabilities in 2017 to give enterprises critical features like advanced security protections and fleet management.
Security Pros: Be on High Alert for Certificate Changes
August 22, 2019
They say that the key to good security is constant vigilance. As a practical matter, this means that it's important for security and network pros to pay attention to two things: changes in the threat landscape, so they can be on the alert for how their systems might be attacked; and changes and developments in the technologies they employ. These consequences matter quite a bit.

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